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Friday, May 7, 2010

Income inequality and economic growth in developing countries:

Income inequality and economic growth in developing countries: an empirical Since the 1950', income inequality and its impact on the economy

has frequently been studied by many authors.

Even though numerous studies have considered

many aspects of this impacts, there are still many

questions that remain. One of the lingering questions

involves the nature of the relationship between

income inequality and economic growth. Studies

indicate conflicting conclusions about this relationship.

This paper attempts to use income inequality data

from several developing countries and shed new light

on it. Based on panel data estimation over the 1966-

1991 time period, the empircal evidence shows that

countries with higher income inequality do not grow at

a slower rate than developing countries with a more

equal income distributionINTRODUCTION

Over the last half century, an intriguing topic among

economists and policy makers has been the possible

impact of income inequality on the economy, especially

on the rate of economic growth. Understanding the

relationship between these two very important economic

variables is important, because higher income inequality

is more often found in less developed countries.

If there is a clearer understanding about this relation,

specific economic policies could be adopted in less

countries in the appropriate manner to deal with

income inequality and to stimulate economic growth.

This paper does not provide definitive or conclusive

answer on the relationship between income inequality

and economic growth; rather an attempt to provide

additional empirical evidence in the search for the

focus on income inequality and economic growth

began in the 1950's when Simon Kuznets (1955)

presented his idea of an inverted U relationship

between per capita GNP and inequality in the

distribution of income. Based upon income

distribution data available at that time, Kuznets

suggested that as per capita income rose in lesser

developed countries, income inequality also rose,

reached a maximum, and then declined as income

levels rose further. Kuznets developed this theory

by studying data estimating income distribution in a

few rich and a few poor countries and by studying

trends in distribution in a few European countries

over time (Perkins et al, 129). His findings were

later described as an "inverted-U hypothesis."

Following this ground breaking theory, many

countries tolerated rising income inequality

arguing that income would become more equally

distributed with advanced development, as

Kuznets observed. Thus, developing countries

facing high income inequality need not to be

concerned with such rising inequality. If, however,

income inequality does not reverse itself with

advanced development, it is important to understand

the possible effects of income inequality on the

economy. Whatever may be the theoretical

justification of the Kuznets hypothesis, the

empirical validity of this phenomenon still remains

questionable at best.

A prominent case study displaying a possible relationship
between income inequality and economic growth is
that of South Korea and the Philippines. As discussed
by Benabou (1996), South Korea and the Philippines
looked similar in the early 1960's as indicated by many
macroeconomic factors, including GDP per capita,
populations, urbanization, and primary and secondary
school enrollment. They differed, however, in their
distribution of income. In 1965, South Korea's Gini
coefficient was 34.3 while the Philippines' Gini
coefficient was 51.3. During the next thirty years,
South Korea averaged 6% growth annually while the
Philippines stagnated at 2%. South Korea's output
level increased fivefold while the Philippines output
level barely doubled (Aghion et al, 1999). This result
by no means proved a negative relationship between
income inequality and economic growth, but it did
invigorate the interest in the relationshipIt is important
to understand the relationship between income distribution
and economic growth for a number of reasons. Many of the
nations experiencing high rates of income inequality are the
least developed countries and developing countries. It has
been argued sometimes that income inequality and the
accumulation of wealth in a small proportion of the population
would result in higher growth in the future. From such a 'trickle
down' theory, the mass poor are told to simply wait and they
will receive transfers of the accumulated wealth through
redistribution later on.
redistribution of wealth eventually puts everyone in
a better
position then they were before and therefore, initial
income inequality it acceptable (Clark 1995). However,
there could also be a negative impact of inequality on
growth as argued by others. If a country experiences
high income inequality, there is a great pressure from
the poor masses to redistribute the wealth accumulation.
The high taxes levied to redistribute the wealth lower
the rate of return on private assets, which r
estrict capital accumulation and slows growth
(Clark 1995). These theoretical claims were
supported by Alesina and Rodrik (1991) and Person s
and Tabellini (1990) through cross country growth
analysis. The purpose of this paper is to provide
additional empirical evidence of the relationship
between income inequality and an economy's
rate of growth in such developing countries.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Business Services Industry

7 tips for effective listening: productive

listening does not occur naturally.

It requires hard work and practice

- Back To Basics - effective listening

is a crucial skill for internal

TO BE SUCCESSFUL AT THEIR job, internal auditors

must be able to write, speak, and listen effectively.

Of these three skills, effective listening may be the

most crucial because auditors are required to do it so often. Click here!,

listening also may be the most difficult skill to .

Effective listening is challenging, in part, because

people often are more focused on what they're

saying than on what they're hearing in return.

According to a recent study by the Harvard

Business Review, people think the voice mail they

send is more important than the voice mail they

receive. Generally, senders think that their

message is more helpful and urgent than

do the people who receive it.

Additionally, listening is difficult because people

don't work as hard at it as they should.

Listening seems to occur so naturally that

putting a lot of effort into it doesn't seem

necessary. However, hard work and effort

is exactly what effective listening requires.

Internal auditors must listen to explanations,

rationales, and defenses of financial practices

and procedures. They are constantly

communicating with fellow employees whose

backgrounds range from accounting to finance

to marketing to information systems. In addition,

explanations by fellow employees of any "unusual"

practices often pose a significant challenge to an

internal auditor's listening skills. Auditors can use

the following techniques to improve these skills.

Click Here!Click Here!


When listening to someone, do you often find

yourself thinking about a job or task that is

nearing deadline or an important family matter?

In the middle of a conversation, do you sometimes

realize that you haven't heard a word the other

person has said? Most individuals speak at the

rate of 175 to 200 words per minute. However,

research suggests that we are very capable of

listening and processing words at the rate of 600

to 1,000 words per minute. An internal auditor's

job today is very fast and complex, and because

the brain does not use all of its capacity when

listening, an auditor's mind may drift to thinking

of further questions or explanations rather than

listening to the message at hand. This unused

brainpower can be a barrier to effective listening,

causing the auditor to miss or misinterpret what

others are saying. It is important for internal

auditors to actively concentrate on what others

are saying so that effective communication can occur.


ARE LISTENING. When someone is talking to you,

do you maintain eye contact with that person?

Do you show the speaker you are listening by

nodding your head? Does your body language

transmit the message that you are listening?

Are you leaning forward and not using your

hands to play with things? Most communication

experts agree that nonverbal messages can be

three times as powerful as verbal messages.

Effective communication becomes difficult anytime

you send a nonverbal message that you're not

really listening.


do you often make immediate judgments about

what the speaker is saying? Do you assume or

guess what the speaker is going to say next?

Do you sometimes discover later that you failed

to interpret correctly what the speaker was

telling you? Because a listener can listen at

a faster rate than most speakers talk, there

is a tendency to evaluate too quickly. That

tendency is perhaps the greatest barrier to

effective listening. It is especially important

to avoid early evaluations when listening to

a person with whom you disagree. When

listeners begin to disagree with a sender's

message, they tend to misinterpret the

remaining information and distort its intended

meaning so that it is consistent with their

own beliefs.


take what another person says personally

when what her or she is saying is not meant

to be personal? Do you ever become angry

at what another person says? Careful listening

does not mean that you will always agree with

the other party's point of view, but it does mean

that you will try to listen to what the other

person is saying without becoming overly

defensive. Too much time spent explaining,

elaborating, and defending your decision or

position is a sure sign that you are not listening.

This is because your role has changed from one

of listening to a role of convincing others they

are wrong. After listening to a position or

suggestion with which you disagree, simply

respond with something like, "I understand

your point.Farmland taken from villagers 'for games'

We just disagree on this one." Effective


can listen calmly to another person even

when that person is offering unjust criticism.


the art of putting into your own words what

you thought you heard and saying it back to

the sender. For example, a subordinate might say:

"You have been unfair to rate me so low on my

performance appraisal. You have rated me lower

than Jim. I can do the job better than him, and

I've been here longer." A paraphrased response

might be: "I can see Wrath of the renrou judges you are upset about

your rating. You think it was unfair for me to

rate you as I did." Paraphrasing is a great

technique for improving your listening and

problem-solving skills. First, you have to

listen very carefully if you are going to

accurately paraphrase what you heard.

Second, the paraphrasing response will

clarify for the sender that his or her

message was correctly received and

encourage the sender to expand on what

he or she is trying to communicate.

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  • Wrath of the renrou judges


    09/10/09 | Reported as spam

    RE: Internal Auditor

    Listening is not only hearing the words

    that what the other one speaks about

    but a full understanding on the content

    of the topic. Sometimes this is neglected

    by other people. It is like when you read

    a story aloud. You'll just notice that you

    get a better understanding about the story

    the next time you read it. You're much

    focused that time.


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    11/23/09 | Report as spam

    RE: Internal Auditor

    Listening should not be overlooked

    as a very important skill.

  • 3

    amir saeedi

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    RE: Internal Auditor

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